Wednesday, June 26, 2013

If your looking for meaning, youll find something else

The flower guy and muffinmilk downtown. 

The corners will bite. 

And the carrots are black "carrot black"

And Paddie smith back in the day

Love in New York City

None of us are free u til all of us are equal

Hiedi Johnson standing next to her masterpiece 

I forgot who did this but ill post about all the art I saw the other night another time. 

And this is the show I saw all that art

Circles of tags. 

I am here! It doesn't matter why. 


If you look for meaning youll find aomething else. 

Its just a walk thru the park. Central park


Stop snitching Savannah GA

Its a frame of mind. And its a flow of consciencness. Savannah to NYC.