You would think that when MOCA is going to hold an exhibit called "Art in the Streets", you would think that they would let the artist say what they have to say. Graffiti art is amazing but still has somewhat of a negative connotation to it so one would suspect that not everyone will agree to what the artist is presenting. BUT! to censor a work that the museum paid to originally put up because it was "inappropriate" is NUTS and makes me want to slap these people in the face with a brick. ARE YOU KIDING ME?! There is a war going on so you shouldn't be surprised when someone does a piece about the war. If art is being censored then I am very sad for our country.
This only makes me want to do "inappropriate pieces" just to tick the "censorship idiots" off. The mural was done by an Italian artist named blu.... I wonder if he will put it in Italy just in spite of us. I hope so, and I hope that MOCA aka my new enemy, knows that they might have just started an art war between artists and MOCA. WE WILL NOT BE CENSORED and this is ridiculous. Who am I to say to say to someone, for example, "you can't make that pie this christmas because I don't like it" because you know what, other people might like it, the baker worked hard on it and I have 10 other pies to choose from. GET OVER IT MOCA.