CCA- is an artschool in san fran. and oakland.... not where i wanted to move to but still awsome. they have textiles and printmaking to major in. but what if i want to major in something else, something more spectacular?..... Art institute of California-Hollywood- .... ehhh ok. only interesting major there is fashion....
CALarts- then theres calarts ... which is the typical artschool to go to.. i assume but maybe it would be a good typical art school for me to go to. theres art, critical studies, dance, film, music, and theatre... i could just major in ART. how bad could that be? i mean that is what i want to do.. is art.. sooo makes sense... right? i dont know. but the catolog for calarts art program looks pretty ill. like ill like awsome not ill like really actually sick.
OTIS- and then there was otis. its almsot like the same thing with cal arts... not so much fibers or printmaking... (fuck you san fran for having those majors) but theres fine arts, fashion, graphic design and random.. toy design.. we shall see.. not for toy design tho. NO WAY!
more to come.